Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Second Chances...

I had to post this picture I took today of my mom and her boyfriend Norm. They have become quite the little couple. I have enjoyed watching their relationship grow over the last three months and see a different side of both of them. Norm has and always will be a great guy. I met him at Jerry's years ago and have always thought he was a great guy. He always seemed reserved but at the same time very approachable. My mom is super reserved but if you get to know her you know she has a very fun side. If you saw these two people today you would think I did not know what I was talking about. They are so giddy and happy. That warms my heart to see these two wonderful people out having a second lease on life. My mom has not dated since my father passed away four years ago. She had no need she said. I know she is very independent but it still tore at my heart to see her go home alone. My mom and dad were together all the time. They saw Parker almost everyday. Norm has similar circumstances. The two of them have fun and still maintain their lives independent of each other. This is so crucial, especially for Parker he could not stand the thought of my mom not being there for him. I love the fact that they include the kids and Norm even takes Sophie on dates with my mom :) Who knows what the future holds for either of them but at least they are having a good time living in the moment...